Apple is gearing up to revamp its Apple Watch SE lineup, and rumors suggest that the new model, dubbed the Apple Watch SE 3, will feature a design overhaul. According to Mark Gurman’s Power On newsletter, Apple is working on redesigning the Apple Watch SE, which has remained largely unchanged since its launch.
The new design is expected to take cues from the standard Apple Watch models, but with a twist – a plastic body, similar to the iPhone 5C. This move could make the Apple Watch SE 3 more affordable and appealing to a wider audience. The use of plastic could also enable Apple to offer the device in various color options, making it a great choice for kids and teens.
The Apple Watch SE 3 is expected to launch later this year, possibly alongside the iPhone SE 4, which is also undergoing a major redesign. The new iPhone SE 4 is rumored to feature a design similar to the iPhone 14, and it will likely be designed to complement it.
While Apple’s motives for the redesign are unclear, it’s believed that the company has faced some “cost and quality challenges” in shifting from aluminum to plastic. However, Gurman’s report suggests that Apple is moving ahead with the project, and we can expect to see the new Apple Watch SE 3 soon.
It is expected to feature upgraded internals, possibly with an S9 or S10 chip, which will provide a boost in performance and efficiency. The device will likely retain its core features, including fitness tracking, notification support, and integration with other Apple devices.
Overall, the Apple Watch SE 3’s new design and features are expected to make it a compelling choice for those looking for a more affordable and stylish smartwatch. We’ll keep you posted on the latest updates, so stay tuned!