Five years ago, when tech giant Apple announced its streaming service—Apple TV—they were immediate underdogs posing as an experiment at best. However, the result they have garnered disproves popular opinions, showcasing their undying commitment to innovation and class. With breathtaking tales that radiate originality and sentiment. Here are the top 5 best Apple TV shows ever.
At first glance, this show didn’t seem to hit the hype; what was all the noise about? But after meditatively rewatching every episode, I get it. It’s so nerdy, though. The play on comedy, suspense, and psychology blended with a take on capitalism and the danger of control. The characters give lifetime performances as they fight against themselves, ‘outies,’ and the evil corporation. The show has a 97% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes, and for good reason too.
Ted lasso
image credits: comingsoon
This comedic wonder is one for the ages. Set in the premier league of the world’s biggest sport—football, or as Americans call it, soccer—Lasso (Jason Sudeikis), a newly hired American football coach, struggles to fit into a new world, trying to defy the odds. He exchanges tactics for motivation and optimism, which seem like second nature to him yet serve as his Achilles’ heel. The show depicts how he maneuvers through the terrain, driving hope and joy and keeping its grinning audiences hooked.
Image credit: Apple TV+
If identity is a tale, it would be Pachinko, based on the bestselling novel of the same name by Min Jin Lee. A story of a Korean family striving through colonization, it describes the horror of unfair treatment and the huge cultural divide while presenting the history of an eternal longing for more. The characters, plot, and pace are so precise that nothing is out of rhythm. Kudos to the directors (Kogonada and Justin Chon) and cast.
image credits: Apple TV
‘An Absurdist Tragicomedy, The Best Thing On Apple TV+’ were the words Fobres described the Dickinson show with. An intriguing show with a tragic premise weaved around the teenage life of Emily Dickinson, one of America’s most influential poets, played by Hailee Steinfeld. How she explores teenage life, interacting with her environment in the most artistic way—I mean, who talks to death like that? How she endures the choking air of control over her life and choices. The show plays on feminism in a different era by a quirky teenager who loves her family and her poems
Image credit: Apple TV+
The emotions in this show are huge; so much is under the rug; I don’t want to give spoilers, but… This show mastered the act of weaving characters from its protagonist Jimmy (Jason Segel), a therapist drained in the grief of his wife leaking every ounce of his life to his workmates Gaby (Jessica Williams) and Paul (Harrison Ford) with marriage and trust issues. It is a testimonial to the problematic nature of bearing others’ burdens while shrinking in yours. it’s Bill Lawrence’s masterpiece
In summary, Apple TV is headed in the right direction. These thrilling masterpieces are not just a good start but also prophecies of the right energy for real entertainment, digging into nuances, yet never forgetting to laugh. Check out our top 4 best Netflix series.
Sources Forbes Rotten tomatoes