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Why It’s Important To Set Your Phone On Airplane Mode For Flight Safety

Sign post for aviation safety.

Sign post for aviation safety. Credit: Indianexpress

When you don’t put your phone in airplane mode while flying, it emits electromagnetic waves that can disrupt the GPS and communication systems of the aircraft.

Modern aircrafts are designed to mitigate these issues, but the signal-seeking nature of various devices may lead to a build-up of electromagnetic interference.

As your phone travels between ground-based cell towers, its high speed and altitude can cause it to overload and drain its battery.

Phones are unlikely to create major issues, although many devices can interfere with critical equipment or ground control-to-cockpit communication.

Although passengers may not be directly harmed by the electromagnetic radiation that phones emit, extended use of electronic devices can raise stress levels, interfere with sleep cycles, and impair vision because of blue light.

In order to reduce stress and enhance mental health, doctors advise taking advantage of the time spent in an airplane to unplug, unwind, or read lightly or meditate.

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