Telegram has kicked off the new year with a significant update, introducing a range of innovative features designed to enhance user experience and safety. Among the key additions are third-party verification, advanced message search filters, and the ability to transform gifts into collectibles.
The third-party verification feature builds upon Telegram’s existing verification process for public figures and organizations. Now, these verified accounts can serve as verifiers for other third-party accounts, enabling organizations to verify their employees and helping users quickly identify official sources. This move aims to prevent scams, reduce misinformation, and increase transparency.
Accounts verified through third-party verifiers will not display Telegram’s blue verification checkmark. Instead, they will feature a unique icon created by the verifier. Users can visit the profile of these accounts to learn more about them or contact the verifier.
Another significant update is the introduction of advanced message search filters. Users can now utilize a drop-down menu in the Chats tab to filter messages from private chats, group chats, or channels. This feature promises to make it easier for users to find specific messages and navigate their conversations.
In addition, Telegram has introduced the ability to upgrade gifts to collectibles, which can be transferred to other users or auctioned on NFT marketplaces. These collectibles possess unique attributes, adding a new layer of engagement and interaction to the platform.
Other notable updates include:
1. Custom emojis for organizing chat folders (exclusive to Premium subscribers).
2. A revamped QR code scanner that redirects users to their preferred browser without requiring apps.
3. Reactions for service messages, such as when someone joins a group or inits a video chat.
These updates demonstrate Telegram’s commitment to innovation, safety, and user satisfaction, further solidifying its position as a leading messaging platform.